Structural ReinforcementCARBON FIBER ANCHORS


A groundbreaking innovation in the world of Structural Reinforcement: preformed carbon fiber linkers with single-strand, through-hole, and double-stem options, available for a wide range of applications, from fabric connections to laminates and meshes.

  • PLUS

The entire range has been specifically designed to simplify and speed up the installation of reinforcement, enhancing the performance and characteristics of the final “system.”

All of this translates into:

  • significant reduction in application costs;
  • efficiency and effectiveness in execution;
  • guarantee and repeatability of the process and the final characteristics of the reinforcement “system.”
With the introduction of a new family of linkers, Carbonveneta expands the current market landscape, instantly multiplying the range of options that until now was limited to just a few items.

A range immediately available for the most diverse applications, from fabric connections to laminates and meshes.

Everything is pre-formed with industrial technology that is perfectly repeatable, ensuring that no variable, whether geometric or physical, is left to the operator's skill or manual expertise.

A product that was missing in the market, which has now become a practical reality thanks to significant efforts, field tests, meticulous material research, and countless trials on production methods.


Single or double sided reinforcement of concrete and brick walls • Renovation of old buildings, historic centers, tunnels, bridges, retaining walls, industrial buildings.


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    Carbonveneta collabora con competenza e sinergia con i propri clienti, per sfruttare al meglio le proprietà dei materiali in fibra di carbonio, grazie ai quali è possibile esprimere soluzioni progettuali innovative e di grande pregio.
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