Structural ReinforcementCARBON FIBER LAMINATES


Carbon laminates are widely used in the Structural Reinforcement sector to restore concrete, masonry, metal, and wooden structures


The widespread use of these products is due to the excellent results achieved through the application of adhesives (usually epoxy resins) on buildings, viaducts, arches, beams, columns, floors, vaults, and generally on static elements with parts subjected to tension.

  • High tensile strength
  • High elastic modulus (from 140 GPa to 280 GPa)
  • Exceptional lightness to rigidity ratio
  • Very high adhesion
  • Dimensional stability
  • Resistance to chemical corrosion
  • Resistance to saline environment
  • Low noise and vibration dampening
  • Radiotransparency
  • High electrical conductivity
  • Roll packaging of 50 – 100 m (25 and 200 m upon request)
Carbonveneta is among the European leaders in this market segment and produces laminates and plates of various thicknesses, widths and roll lengths. Standard laminates have an Elastic Modulus normally between 140 GPa and 280 GPa, while for special projects they can be produced with dedicated yarns thus obtaining the desired Elastic Modulus.

Carbonveneta provides its customers with all the certifications and documentation required for the CVT (formerly CIT) request with the Ministry of Public Works regarding the market introduction in Italy.


Carbon fiber laminates

Concrete Reinforcement • Anti-seismic structures • Excellent in general renovation • Horizontal or oblique reinforcement for beams, slabs, roofs, domes • Cantilever reinforcement for terraces or similar • Cantilever reinforcement for terraces or similar • Vertical reinforcement for plinths and columns supporting walls


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    Come possiamo aiutare il tuo business?

    Carbonveneta collabora con competenza e sinergia con i propri clienti, per sfruttare al meglio le proprietà dei materiali in fibra di carbonio, grazie ai quali è possibile esprimere soluzioni progettuali innovative e di grande pregio.
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